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Is VR Ready for the Real World?

At our core, we are staunch advocates for evolving technology and finding innovative ways to help our clients. Over the years, we've experimented with the latest VR hardware. Is it flashy? Yes. Is it cool? Absolutely. But is it practical for business applications? Frankly, not yet. While VR offers an impressive array of features, it still has a considerable way to go before it makes sense in the business sphere.

The Case for AR

On the other hand, augmented reality (AR) provides a more intuitive user experience that is accessible to a larger audience. AR is incredibly user-friendly and requires minimal learning curve. With something as simple as scanning a QR code, your customers can be immersed in your product. While we continue to explore and monitor VR’s advancements, AR is a powerful tool we can leverage right now to help our clients engage customers in new and exciting ways.

Understanding the Limitations

Virtual and augmented reality are among the industry’s and the world’s favorite buzzwords. However, as our Lead Artist, Ian Shook, points out, adopting these technologies isn’t as simple as saving a file in a different format. Currently, compromises must be made in the quality of the project to transition to AR/VR because the existing software and technologies can't handle the tens of millions of details that rendering can capture.

"AR/VR can't handle the tens of millions of details that rendering can capture."

-Ian Shook, Lead Artist

A Case Study with WOLF

Think you need VR to give your customers an immersive experience? Think again. Our recent AR work for WOLF demonstrates that you can create a high-quality, 360-degree view of your products with rendering. With a simple scan of a QR code, customers can interact with your brand, gather inspiration, and see real-world applications of your offerings. This approach not only showcases your products effectively but also provides an engaging and accessible experience for your customers.

Give AR a whirl!

Grab your phone and scan the QR code for your device. Download the file, click view when prompted, then explore the WOLF Range in your very own space!

*You'll need to have an AR viewing app downloaded to view the file on an Android device.


Summed Up


While VR continues to develop and holds promise for the future, AR currently offers a more practical and accessible solution for businesses looking to create immersive experiences for their customers. By leveraging AR, you can provide a high-quality, interactive view of your products without the need for extensive compromises in detail or quality. As technology continues to evolve, we remain committed to exploring and adopting the best solutions to meet our clients' needs, helping them engage customers in innovative and effective ways.

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